A few examples of constructing menubars for rxvt. Used in conjuction with the reference material (rxvtRef.html/txt), it should be possible to piece together some useful menus without too much time. C-shell users be warned. Some of the menu items contain bsh/ksh constructs like ${EDITOR:-vi}\r which will cause your shell to gag. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- example.menu: simple menus for Pico and the Shell jedmenu.sl: (almost) self-contained SLang code for loading up a menubar for the Jed editor. It doesn't need terminal.menu, but looks a bit better with it. Note for JED users: since rxvt provides an escape sequence to override the normal XTerm interpretation of Shift-Insert/Prev/Next, "wmark.sl" (MS-windows-style shift marking) works really well and is a nice bonus for those forced to switch to/from MS-windows terminal.menu common rxvt terminal functions used by the other menus menu: a small shell script to reduce the pain of typing echo "ESC]10; ... BEL" for every menubar command. It also contains a sample "default" menu at the bottom. rxvt.menu: A nice script that allows a convenient way to have different menubars used for rlogin|telnet to a machine. Of course to get it to work, you'll need to add your own machine names (and remove mine). The script is set up so that "rxvt" will be called if the first argument to the script does not contain "rxvt". So rxvt.menu [options] is the same as rxvt.menu rxvt [options] To always have this script act as the front-end for rxvt: 1) install the rxvt binary somewhere not in your path 2) set the `exe' in menu.script to point to this binary eg, exe="/usr/local/X11/rxvt-2.21/rxvt" # default program to execute 3) have rxvt.menu linked somewhere in your path as `rxvt' 4) add all the various machines/menus combinations to rxvt.menu, or else make a separate database and change the `menu' variable in rxvt.menu to suit.