//#include materials.obtheme //version(1) material flat { opacity(1) } material none { } theme awesome { style regular_window { decor clientwindow { space { anchor(10 9 8) up(1 0 0) } geometry { shapeof(client) } material(flat) texture { //$CLIENT.contents } decor titlebar { context(titlebar) geometry { // box (0, 0, 0) to (100% of $CLIENT, 100%, 0) } material(flat) gradient(split) //texture { decor title { geometry { // text(client.title) // justify(center) } } decor minbutton { material(none) context(minimize) } decor maxbutton { material(none) context(maximize) } } decor handle { space { anchor(0 0 0) up(0 0 0) } decor leftgrip { context(blcorner) cursor(SOUTHWEST) } decor rightgrip { context(brcorner) cursor(SOUTHEAST) } context(bottom) cursor(SOUTH) } } } }