PointerData ---- This document describes the 'PointerData' class, passed to functions bound to pointer events. ---- Attributes ---- action The type of event. One of the input.Pointer.Action_* constants. ---- button The button (in the format that input.Pointer.bind() expects them) that caused the event. This will be 'None' if there was no button associated with the event. (This can only happen during a pointer grab.) ---- context A string containing the context of the event. See the Terminology section in the Pointer documentation for a decription and list of common contexts. ---- state An integer bitmask of the modifiers pressed down when the event occured. ---- buttonnum An integer containing the number of the pointer button associated with the event. ---- pos A tuple containing the current position of the cursor. The tuple has the format (x, y). This is only valid when 'action' is 'Action_Motion'. ----- presspos A tuple containing the position of the cursor when the drag started. The tuple has the format (x, y). This is only valid when 'action' is 'Action_Motion'. ---- pressclientarea A tuple containing the area of the client when the drag started. The tuple has the format (x, y, width, height). This will be None if there is no client associated with the event (during a pointer grab, or a drag on the root window). This is only valid when 'action' is 'Action_Motion'.